Friday, October 11, 2013

Launched ~ Victor Rappoport

LaunchedLaunched by Victor Rappoport
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Victor Rappoport delivers quite a punch in the novel Launched. Never have a read a novel with a plot so thick and delivers so much action without losing itself in the mayhem of blowing stuff up and killing everybody. Rappoport lays down the foundation with a finesse that I, as the reader, never expected that he was just setting us up for the punch line. The main characters in this novel, Trishka and Mason, were well thought out and well placed. Trishka is displayed as a woman from Russia running away from the bad guys (Vladmir and Yuri). Trishka is not a soft, woe-is- me type of lady, she is a fighter and her struggles she bears from the beginning to end makes this novel a great read in itself. Mason, an agent and in some circles the good guy, does what he cans to help right many wrongs. The two characters together display a world wind of adventures, losts, loves, and when mixed perfectly by Rappoport made a very exciting story.

Launched is an action fiction novel with lots a suspense, drama and a little romance. Victor Rappoport did an amazing job and I cannot wait to pick up another one of his novels.

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