Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Power of Your Metabolism Review

The Power of Your MetabolismThe Power of Your Metabolism by Frank Suarez
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Power of Your Metabolism by Frank Suarez was quite an eye opening read. At first I'm not going to lie, I thought this would be a "Preachy" type of tutorial based book. But contrary to my initial belief it was quite straight forward and a take a or leave it format. Suarez presents facts on all that we all know we could and should do better.

What I found extremely helpful in this book is the chapters are short. I know that really does not give a sense of the knowledge that was given. But think about in when it comes to learning more about our bodies and how to be healthy we intake information totally different than just pleasure reading. By shortening the chapters I was able to read full portions of a topic, retain it and take breaks in between readings.

Also a big big portion of this book enlightens us (readers) on what actually creates a slow metabolism and what keeps it at the "slow" level. Knowing that Suarez not only speaks about this topic but has experienced and still thriving as a healthy individual in society is great. I can copy this example and do it without going broke on procedures and fad diets.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time learning his teachings and just in general educating myself on what a slow metabolism truly is and how to fix it.

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